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Random Knowledge - November 13, 2020
Nov 13
This week in history, we will look at security issues around IoT devices. The first device up will be a subsection of IoT medical devices, and then we will look into everyday devices.
Getting Started IoT
Nov 9
This has been a long time coming. Getting started with IoT. I have been looking and thinking about how to get started with IoT. There is a lot that you can do and a lot out there. I am hopefully going to use this as a segway more into AI/ML.
Random Knowledge - November 05, 2020
Nov 5
The history related posts this month with be security-related. November 30th is National Computer Security Day. So the month of November we will reflect on some of the biggest moments in the past 10 years.
Power of Thought
Nov 2
As we transition through life we are going to have to play many roles. The right mindset can help take us from role to role, and take away something valuable.
Random Knowledge - October 29, 2020
Oct 29
This week in history there are a couple of random facts to share. The first is around Windows XP, and the first conference on digital computer technique.
IoT Means IoT
Oct 26
The of the things this blog will start getting more into is IoT (Internet of Things). IoT is like the Cloud they mean a lot.
FarmBot Sustainable Living
Oct 22
In recent years the concept of being self-sustainable has picked up momentum. On that topic, I want to present FarmBot. It is a CNC Farming tool.
Random Knowledge - October 23, 2020
Oct 22
This week in history there are a couple of random facts to share. The first is around print media, and Apple released the iPod
Random Knowledge - October 15, 2020
Oct 15
This week in history there are a couple of random facts to share. The first is around the comptometer. On October 11th, 1887 the inventor or the comptometer, Dorr E. Felt, was granted a patent. The comptometer was the first commercially successful calculator
GitHub Codespaces
Oct 12
Microsoft Ignite 2020 has lots of great information. They have created some great improvements, especially around remote work and the health industry. Looking specifically at the remote work for developers they announced GitHub Codespace.
Agile Devops
Oct 5
If you work in development there is a good chance you have heard about Agile, there is a good chance you do not know what it is. Agile is a framework and methodology that emphasis short iterative planning and development cycles. Agile is the predecessor for DevOps and Scrum is a subset of Agile.
Random Knowledge - October 08, 2020
Oct 5
It is easy to forget about all the events that have helped to get us where we are. On this day in 1996 (October 8, 1996), the US Postal Service issued a "Computer Technology" stamp to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the ENIAC (Electonic Numerical Integrator and Computer).
Recommended Books
Sep 29
The book is designed to help you lead your digital transformation. Before we dive into why the book is important, we need to understand what digital transformation is
Cloud, What is Next - People
Sep 28
People are the heart of every company. They are not just the customers but the employees. What is the average retention for your employees, and then look at each category of employee how does that change? How much does it cost to replace them? If you figure your migration will take 1 year, and your retention rate is around a year.
Random Knowledge - September 24, 2020
Sep 24
Microsoft Ignite ended today. While everyone processes and catches on a wild 48 hours. If you haven't watched anything here is a good source to get started with or if you just want "key" items, Book of News. If you want to watch or rewatch the videos
Cloud, What is Next - App Evaluation
Sep 21
Do you know your WCAG Level? Have you even cared about it? This goes with does the ADA apply to the internet. Depending on what you read you will probably find a hard yes, maybe, and some no. It seems to be mostly on the maybe side. I know companies are being sued over it. Now with everything going on with COVID, it’s even more important.
Azure Bicep adding the adding muscle to ARM
Sep 17
If you have not heard, Azure is releasing a new way to manage resources. They have created a new Infrastructure as Code Language. The language is currently in alpha, this means that you can be guaranteed that there will be some breaking changes. However, for early adopters or people looking to play around on personal projects, this shouldn't be a show stopper
Greenwork Tools Review
Sep 17
This will be a general use review around 3 products: 80v Greenworks Pro 16in Trimmer (GST80320), 80v Greenworks 21in Push Lawn Mower (GLM801601), and an 80v Pole Saw. These were all purchased around May 2019 (plus or minus a couple months).
Choose a Cloud Provider
Sep 14
The answer is not as straight forward as you would hope. One thing I would like to state upfront is that the cloud that people talk about is a buzzword. Its definition at its heart is someone else's computer. There are hundreds of services that make up this term "cloud". If you think about it the term "cloud" covers everything from infrastructure services like virtual machines to web-based services like GSuite.
Cloud, What is Next - Lost in the Cloud
Sep 14
For some, the cloud almost has a mystic allure. People can think there is a magic wand and you wave it and it just works. There is no wand, and it’s easy to take some of what the cloud does for granted. One of the first things that come to mind is security. The cloud touts itself as being more secure, however, it should never be a question of if you will be hacked, or attempted, it is a question of when and how you will respond.
Samsung Note 20 Ultra
Sep 9
This is not a full review, but a general review from my general usage. I will have links to full reviews.
Cloud, What is Next - Process & People
Sep 7
Transition to Agile DevOps, From IaaS to PaaS (at least), From Monolithic Applications to microservices, The transition from CapEx (Capital Expense) to OpEx (Operational Expense), Think Global The above list is a mix of tech and business. The first one, possibly the most important is more business than tech, Agile DevOps Methodology. It is listed first for a few reasons. The main reason is that it probably is the hardest. If you weren’t following the Agile Framework for software development, you might want to look into it.
Sep 5
Apparently Elon Music has been watching too much Johnny Mnemonic. For those of you unaware its a mid 90s movie where Keanu Reeves character is a smuggler, (IMDB). He smuggles data, and has an implant that is similar to the Neuralink that is being presented by Mr. Musk. The concept is intresting and has been around for a while if you think about it.
Cloud, What is Next
Sep 1
We will be looking into the cloud and if you weren’t thinking about these concepts during your migration should be something you start talking about. The topics that will be presented all deserve their own post, and will get one, this is just to get you to start thinking about where you are and what the migration means for you.
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