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Post by Mystic Ape
FarmBot Sustainable Living
Oct 22
In recent years the concept of being self-sustainable has picked up momentum. On that topic, I want to present FarmBot. It is a CNC Farming tool.
Agile Devops
Oct 5
If you work in development there is a good chance you have heard about Agile, there is a good chance you do not know what it is. Agile is a framework and methodology that emphasis short iterative planning and development cycles. Agile is the predecessor for DevOps and Scrum is a subset of Agile.
Sep 5
Apparently Elon Music has been watching too much Johnny Mnemonic. For those of you unaware its a mid 90s movie where Keanu Reeves character is a smuggler, (IMDB). He smuggles data, and has an implant that is similar to the Neuralink that is being presented by Mr. Musk. The concept is intresting and has been around for a while if you think about it.
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